Caribbean Marine Conservationists Benefit from Regional Capacity Building Partnership
St. George’s, Grenada, February 20th. Twenty three regional marine conservation professionals, including four from within Grenada, are spending nine days sharing information and best practices that could lead to more sustainable usage of marine protected areas (MPA) in their home countries.
This is through their participation in the 11th edition of the Training of Trainers on MPA Management regional course, which is being hosted by the Fisheries Division in St. George’s, Grenada. The 2015 course, gathering the largest number of participants since it was initiated in 1997, includes modules on biophysical characteristics of coastal ecosystems, ecosystem services and threats to their resilience, communication and outreach tools, MPA management operations, research and monitoring, sustainable financing and alternative livelihoods through creation of ecotourism operations, resources for meeting obligations to regional and international agreements, along with a field trip.
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